I just have so neglected this little site of mine that I haven't posted in a long time. My apology to those who expect new postings are visible.
Yesterday morning, after installing the firefox toolbar, I was delighted to notice that my site, The Native Sentimental Maniac has finally been given a pagerank. It was pageranked 2, finally, after more than four months of waiting and wondering. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's the site where I spend most of my time posting about what's going on in my life, and where I habitually interact with fellow bloggers and staunch readers.
My curiosity drove me then to also check the PR for this site and it came to my surprise and extreme happiness that it's given a PR of 3.
It was unexpected and it paved the way for me to get out of the doldrums in a while and should start sharing with you some of my most strange dreams. Thanks a lot and I hope you continue to come.
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Serena said...
Congratulations on your page rank increase. Thanks for dropping by ChatnChill and I have finally decided to do away with all widgetbucks. It is freezing my browser and my blogs didn't have enough visitors to earn anything with them. :D
October 30, 2007 at 8:48 AM