My Dream-ZZZzzz World

The Pageant

There's a huge crowd and I am at a pageant. Am wearing a silky flashy red slit gown and standing on a stage. I just had my catwalk. There is a sloped platform and the contestants have to slide down on their high heels. I see two other guys who surely look gays wearing the same kind of gown I have. They are also sparkling red and they have high heels as well.

As I watch the last contestant do his catwalk, he suddenly transforms in to a woman and an emcee of the event. Yes she becomes the host of the pageant. We are like in a huge gymnasium or might be a stadium. As she starts speaking to let me do another catwalk, I see the people's excited looks waiting for my turn to enter the stage. While waiting, i keep thinking of what to say. I can here the drums rolling and the intensity of the contest.

Microdream 1: I dreamt of Roel-a childhood friend the other night and he appears again in my dream. I am looking for a store to buy something and he leads me to the right store. When I take out my money to pay for the item, I pull out my teeth out of my pocket instead. I become curious so i check my teeth inside my mouth. They all start pulling out.

Microdream2: At a restaurant, I see a comedy actress in the Philippines, she is in a hurry. She makes a phone call and talks to her friend to pick her up. She wears a striped black gown. Her friend arrives with a pick up car. The actress comes out and grabs the bumper of the car. She thrusts her booty onto the bumper and tells her friend to move. The car backs up and she follows. She hangs on for dear life.

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A very vivid night. My dreams are never that entertaining.

September 19, 2007 at 11:07 PM  

you did some catwalk? hihi, I'd have loved to see that! :P

September 21, 2007 at 7:12 AM  

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